2015年3月下 施工技术 第44卷第6期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 71 D0I:10.7672/sgj82015060071 基于关键链的PERT项目群进度风险控制方法改进* 陈悦华,杨旭,杜厚磊 (武汉大学土木建筑工程学院,湖北武汉430072) [摘要]项目群越来越多地出现在工程中,合理的安排项目群的进度,进行进度风险控制已经成为项目群管理的一 个关键间题.为了更好地解决项目群的进度问题,合理安排项目进度,很多项目采用PERT的方法进行进度风险控 制.在实际工程中经常会遇到资源约束问题,并且人作为项目的主要参与者对项目群工期也会产生很大的影响, 而PERT的方法却不能解决该问题.因此,作者用关键链方法对PERT方法进行改进,充分利用两者的优点弥补两 者的不足,使该方法既可以进行进度数据计算,也考虑到资源约束和人的影响,使进度管理更加合理科学. [关键词]项目管理;关键链;项目群;进度;风险;控制 [中图分类号]TU722 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)06-0071-04 Improvement of the PERT Method of Programme Schedule Risk Control Based on Critical Chain Method Chen Yuehua Yang Xu Du Houlei (School of Civil and Architectural Engineering Wuhan University Wuhan Hubei 430072 China) Abstract:More and more programme appears in the project so reasonable arrangement of the progress and schedule risk control have bee a key issue for project management.In order to better solve the progress problem and reasonable arrange the program schedule PERT method has been accepted by many projects to control schedule risk.Resource constraints problems are often encountered in practical engineering and people as a major player of the project will produce huge impact on project group schedule but PERT method can not solve the problems.Therefore key chain method is used in this article to improve the PERT method.Making full use of the advantages and making up for lack of both not only can do progress data calculations but also take the effect of resource constraints and people into account and...
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