2015年10月上 施工技术 第44卷第19期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 81 D0I:10.7672/8js2015190081 基于塑性区分布的连拱式支护结构研究 尹锦明,董晓进,姜毅 (南京理工大学泰州科技学院,江苏泰州225300) [摘要]为掌握连拱式基坑支护结构的几何设计参数对支护效果的影响,采用数值分析的方法,建立多跨三维基坑 模型,并以坑后土体塑性区的分布为研究指标.结果表明,单拱跨度增加,坑后塑性区范围显著增加,受其影响较 显著;拱壁厚度增加,坑后塑性区减小,受其影响较小;结构矢跨比的增加,坑后塑性区的扩展深度逐渐减小,水平 扩展长度增加;基坑深度的增加,坑后塑性区范围逐渐变大,并且嵌固深度比不变,塑性区扩展角基本不变;嵌固深 度比增加,坑后塑性区的扩展范围减小;拱脚直径增加,坑后塑性区范围明显减小. [关键词]基坑:支护;连拱;塑性区;数值分析 [中图分类号]TU753 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)19-0081-06 Study on Multi-arch Supporting Structure Based on Plastic Zone Distribution Yin Jinming Dong Xiaojin Jiang Yi Taizhou Institute of Science and Technology Nanjing University of Science and Technology Taizhou Jiangsu 225300 China) Abstract:In order to understand the impact of geometric design parameters on multi-arch supporting structure of foundation excavation numerical analysis method was used multi-span three-dimensional models were established and plastic zone distribution was adopted as the research index.The results show that the scope of plastic zone is increasing with the arch span increasing and the effect of arch span is significant.The scope of plastic zone is decreasing with the thickness of arch buttress increasing but the effect is not significant.The depth of plastic zone is decreasing and the horizontal length of plastic is increasing with the rise span ratio increasing.The scope of plastic zone is increasing with the depth of foundation excavation increasing and if the embedded depth ratio is not changed the extens...
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