施工技术 2012年1月上 92 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第41卷第356期 基于强度折减法的小净距隧道合理净距的探讨 朱桂春,韩武娟,刘兴鑫 (中国地质大学(武汉)工程学院,潮南武汉430074) [摘要]由于连拱隧道的工程造价、施工难度、施工周期均比双线隧道大得多,所以在工程中产生了一种新的结构 形式一一小净距隧道.在小净距隧道的设计过程中,中间岩柱的宽度对于隧道的稳定性和工程整体造价有着相当 大的影响.影响小净距隧道合理净距的因素很多,比如围岩级别、结构形式、施工工艺等.使用传统的力学计算法 和力学试验,很难得出综合各种因素的计算结果,采用有限元模拟的方法和强度折减弹塑性有限元方法则可以计 算各种复杂情况下围岩的应力、变形、塑性区分布等情况,从而确定小净距的合理净距. [关键词]隧道工程;小净距隧道;合理净距;强度折减法;数值模拟 [中图分类号]U459 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)01-0092-03 Discussion on Reasonable Distance of Small Interval Tunnel Based on Intensity Discount Method Zhu Guichun Han Wujuan Liu Xingxin Faculty of Engineering China University of Geosciences Wuhan Hubei 430074 China) Abstract:Project cost construction difficulties and construction cycle of double-arch tunnel are more than two-lane tunnel and small interval tunnel has appeared.In the design of the tunnel in a small clear distance process the width of the middle pillar has considerable effect on tunnel stability and project cost.Factors such as the rock-level structure construction technology have effect on reasonable distance it is difficult to draw prehensive result of various factors by traditional mechanical calculations and experiments.Using the finite element simulation methods and elastoplastic finite element method for strength reduction can calculate rock stress deformation plastic zone distribution under different plex conditions which can determine the reasonable small clear distance according to the results of the analysis. Key words:tu...