施工技术 2013年6月上 114 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第42卷第11期 D0I:10.7672/gj82013110114 基于正交试验的加筋土界面摩擦影响因素分析* 耿敏,窦远明,赵川 (河北工业大学土木工程学院,天津300401) [摘要]以河北省邢汾高速公路土工格橱加筋高填方路堤工程为背景,用正交设计表L(3)安排了54组拉拔试 验,分析了7个因素对加筋土界面摩擦特性的影响.试验结果表明,影响加筋土界面摩擦特性的因素主次顺序为 上覆荷载、含水率、筋材距试验箱侧壁距离、拉拔速率、格橱类型、筋材水平埋入长度、干密度.其中,上覆荷载、含 水率、筋材距试验箱侧壁距离、拉拔速率对筋-土界面摩擦特性的影响特别显著.通过分析筋土界面拉拔摩擦系数 与7个因素的关系,得到了各因素的优水平以及各因素在拉拔试验过程中的变化规律. [关铺词]公路工程;加筋土;界面摩擦特性;影响因素;拉拔试验;正交试验 [中图分类号]TU472.34;TU411 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)11-0114-04 Analysis to Factors that Influence the Interface Friction of Reinforced Soil Based on Orthogonal Test Geng Min Dou Yuanming Zhao Chuan (College of Civil Engineering Heibei University of Technology Tianjin 300401 China) Abstract:Based on the geogrid-reinforced high embankment project of Xingfen Expressway in Hebei Province 54 pull-out tests were designed with orthogonal table L s(37) and seven factors were analyzed for their influence on interface friction characteristics.The results show these factors can be sorted according to the levels of their influence on interface friction characteristics of reinforced soil in the order of cover load water content distance from geogrid to chamber side wall pulling rate geogrid type embedded length of reinforcement dry density.Among them cover load water content distance from geogrid to chamber side wall and pulling rate have significant influence on the interface friction characteristics of reinforced soil.The best level and the rules governing the variation of each fa...