2010年6月 施工技术 第39卷第6期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 67 基于风险管理的决策阶段工程造价控制研究 黄林春 (武警水电第二总队,江西南昌330096) 【摘要]工程造价的确定与控制贯穿于项目建设的全过程,而决策阶段存在着很大的不确定性,所面临的风险种类 繁多.基于风险管理原理,介绍风险管理原理在建设项目决策阶段工程造价控制中的应用,包括风险识别、风险评 估与分析、风险应对和风险监控.结果表明:风险管理原理应用于建设项目的决策阶段,可减少项目决策过程中的 不确定性,有效地控制甚至利用风险. [关键词]建设项目;造价控制;决策阶段;风险管理 [中图分类号]TU-923.4 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2010)06-0067-03 Control Research on Engineering Cost in Decision-making Stage Based on Risk Management Huang Linchun No.2 Hydropower Force of Armed Police Nanchang Jiangxi 330096 China) Abstract:The determination and control of engineering cost are throughout the whole process of project construction.However there exists uncertainty in decision-making stage.The faced risks are various. Based on the principles of risk management the application of risk management principles is introduced into control of engineering cost in decision-making stage such as risk identification risk assessment and analysis risk response and risk monitoring.The results show that risk management principles are applied in decision-making stage of construction project which can decrease the uncertainty during the process of decision-making stage.Thus the risk can be controlled even effectively used by adopting measures. Key words:construction project;cost control;decision-making stage;risk management 在工程项目的整个建设过程中,决策阶段具有较险,从风险视角优化整个决策过程,将有效地减少不确 强的复杂性和不确定性,此阶段工程造价的控制,对建定性,从而科学地进行资源配置,减少资源浪费,促进 设工程全过程工程造价控制具有总揽全局的决定性作 工程建设决策的科学化、合理化和经济化,降低决策的 用.决策阶段是决定工程造价的基础阶段,这一阶段 风险,避免或减少风险损失,...
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