施工技术 2015年11月上 40 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第44卷第21期 D0I:10.7672/sgjs2015210040 基坑上下同步逆作法设计关键技术研究 魏倩,汪浩,孙庆,周环宇,慕东东,杨剑2 (1.中建三局建设工程股份有限公司技术中心,湖北武汉430064; 2.中建三局建设工程股份有限公司(沪),上海200129) [摘要]上下同步施工逆作法因其施工作业流程与传统的顺作法以及逆作法不同,给地下结构的设计、施工带来众 多新的技术问题.在阐述上下同步施工逆作法技术的工艺原理和施工作业流程的基础上,对逆作法设计计算包括 基坑围护体系、水平支撑体系、竖向支承体系的设计方法进行了介绍,并结合南京青奥中心工程实例,对基坑上下 同步逆作法关键技术进行研究. [关键词]地下工程;逆作法;支撑;一柱一桩 [中图分类号]TU753 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)21-0040-04 Research of Foundation Excavation Using Top-down Method of Synchronous Construction of Superstructures and Underground Structures Wei Qian' Wang Hao' Sun Qing' Zhou Huanyu' Mu Dongdong' Yang Jian2 (1.Technical Center of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Wuhan Hubei 430064 China; 2.China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Shanghai) Shanghai 200129 China) Abstract:The top-down method of synchronous construction of superstructures and underground structures brings some new technical problems about the design and construction of basements because the process is significantly different from the traditional method and the normal down-top construction method.On the basis of the technological principle and construction process of this new method some key problems are analyzed and introduced including the design of foundation excavation support vertical and horizontal support systems.With the background of the project of the Youth Olympic Centre in Nanjing the techniques of the synchronous construction of top-down method is researched. Key words:undergroun...
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