施工技术 2017年7月上 46 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第46卷第13期 D0I:10.7672/8js2017130046 复杂环境下单支点内支撑结构力学变形特性研究* 汪中林1,肖桃李12,程成1,何云龙,黄梅 (1.长江大学城市建设学院,湖北荆州434023;2.长江大学岩土力学与工程研究中心,湖北荆州434023) [摘要]针对土质差开挖深度大且环境复杂的城市基坑工程,探索单支点内支撑式围护结构的可行性,采用 MIDAS GTS NX有限元软件,建立内支撑式排桩支护结构分析模型,重点研究排桩和支撑系统的内力及变形规律, 结合现场监测数据,验证了复杂环境下单支点内支撑结构的安全性.研究结果表明:排柱呈现“鼓肚型”的变形特 点,最大位移值约为开挖深度的0.13%,最大弯矩作用点约为开挖深度的0.79倍;冠梁最大位移位于每侧中部,支 撑轴力的监测值与理论值基本一致. [关键词]基坑:内支撑;数值模拟:变形;研究 [中图分类号]TU470 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2017)13-0046-04 Study on Mechanics and Deformation Characteristic of Internal Support Structure with Single-support in Complex Environment WANG Zhonglin' XIAO Taolil.2 CHENG Cheng' HE Yunlong' HUANG Mei' (1.School of Urban Construction Yangtze Unirersity Jingzhou Hubei 434023 China; 2.Rock and Soil Mechanies Engineering Research Center Yangtze University Jingzhou Hubei 434023 China) Abstract:In view of the city foundation excavation engineering with poor soil quality large excavation depth and plex environment to explore the feasibility of supporting structure with single-support this paper used MIDAS GTS NX finite element software established the analysis model of internal supporting- pile structure mainly studied the internal force and deformation law of row piles and supporting system bined with field monitoring data verified the security of the internal support structure with single- support in the plex environment.The research results show that the row of piles presented deformation characteristics of‘drum...