2015年2月下 施工技术 第44卷第4期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 107 D0I:10.7672/5j52015040107 寒冷地区既有居住建筑围护体系节能改造方案研究* 郑武幸,杨柳,句德胜2,刘士龙2,张卫华 (1.西安建筑科技大学建筑学院,陕西西安710055;2.河北省建筑科学研究院,河北石家庄050021) [摘要]我国寒冷地区既有居住建筑存量大、能耗高,各地区之间也存在差异.为完成国家“十二五”制定的节能改 造计划,需要制定因地制宜的既有居住建筑围护体系节能改造方案.为此,对能耗较高的典型地区进行了大量的 实地调查研究,得到了4个城市的既有居住建筑能耗,针对围护结构现状,提出了7种适合于不同时期居住建筑围 护体系节能改造的方案,对方案的节能性、经济性和适用性进行了分析计算,以期为寒冷和严寒地区围护体系节能 改造工作的全面展开提供参考. [关键词]围护体系:居住建筑;建筑能耗;节能改造方案:效益 [中图分类号]TU201.5 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)04-0107-04 Energy-efficiency Renovation Proposals of Building Envelope of Existing Residential Buildings in Cold Zone of China Zheng Wuxing' Yang Liu' Ju Desheng? Liu Shilong? Zhang Weihua' (1.School of Architecture Xi'an Unirersity of Architecture and Technology Xi'an Shaanxi 710055 China; 2.Hebei Academy of Building Research Shijiazhuang Hebei 050021 China) Abstract:Both the number and amount of energy consumption of existing residential buildings in cold zone of China are large and they are quite different among each region.In order to fulfill the target of building energy-efficiency renovation made in 12th 5-year Plan renovation proposals of building envelope of existing residential buildings adjusting to local conditions should be developed.Therefore measures of filed surveys and research were conducted in a typical region with high building energy consumption in cold zone of China;the amount of energy consumption of existing residential buildings in 4 cities were obtained and 7 proposals of building energy-effi...