施工技术 2012年9月上 78 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第41卷第372期 对《建筑施工扣件式钢管脚手架安全技术规范》 JGJ1302011中满堂支撑架计算的解析 张文友,徐华荣,黄红政,赵济生 (江苏中兴建设有限公司西南公司,重庆400020) [摘要]在新规范中满堂支撑架内容是个新课题,架体立杆稳定性计算分顶部立杆段和底部立杆段,计算中采用的 系数较多.通过有代表性的演算,详细介绍了满堂支撑架立杆的计算长度,立杆稳定性受力计算,用减小立杆间距 的做法计算立杆的稳定性;对如何应用计算系数,以及对不同荷载选择相应的支撑架进行了对比分析,总结出一些 计算中需注意的问题和建议. [关键词]脚手架;支撑架;计算系数;规范;稳定性 [中图分类号]TU731.2[文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)17-0078-03 Understanding of the Calculation of Full Hall Formwork Support in Safety Specification for Fastener-type Steel-tube Scaffold in Architecture Construction JGJ130-2011 Zhang Wenyou Xu Huarong Huang Hongzheng Zhao Jisheng (Southwest Branch of Jiangsu Zhongxing Construction Co.Ltd. Chongqing 400020 China) Abstract:Full hall formwork support was added in the new code.Stability calculation for upright stanchions of the support involves dividing the stanchion into top segment and bottom segment and their stabilities are calculated separately.Many coefficients have been adopted in the calculation.Through typical demonstrations the authors introduced the calculation length of full hall formwork support the stability check for upright stanchion calculation of the stability of upright stanchions by reducing the intervals.The authors also discussed on the use of the coefficients pared different types of full hall formwork supports when subjected to different loads.At last problems that should be concerned in mind were summarized and suggestions were made. Key words:scaffolds;supports;calculating coefficient...
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