施工技术 2011年2月 18 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOCY 第40卷第4期 广东科学中心大跨度悬挑钢结构安装技术 张季超,马旭,周观根2 (1.广州大学结构工程研究所,广东广州510006; 2.浙江东南网架股份有限公司,浙江杭州311209) [摘要]结合广东科学中心巨型复杂钢框架安装工程,针对大跨度悬挑制结构安装工程的特点和难点,重点闸述了 结构安装方案和安装技术,包括钢柱吊装技术,主、次桁架吊装技术和船头桁架吊装技术及其安装稳固措施,最后 得出实施效果良好.该技术的应用,有效保证了大跨度悬挑钢结构安装上程的施上进度、质量及安全. [关键词]大跨度挑钢结构;安装方案;安装技术 【中围分类号]TU758.15 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2011)04-0018-03 Installation Technology of Large-span Cantilever Steel Structure in Guangdong Science Center Zhang Jichao' Ma Xu' Zhou Guan'gen2 (1.Construction Engineering Institute Guangzhou University Guangzhou Guangdong 510006 China: 2.Zhejiang Southeast Space Frame Company Hangzhou Zhejiang 311209.China) Abstract:Based on the installation of giant plex steel frame for Guangdong Science Center the characteristics and difficulties of the large-span cantilever steel structure are introduced.Then some installation schemes and technologies are described in detail including the hoisting of steel column main or second truss and the bow truss as well as the installation stability measures.The effect of the installation technology is very well.The result shows that the installation technology effectively ensures construction progress quality and safety of the large-span cantilever steel structure. Key words:large-span cantilever steel structure;installation plan;installation technology 1工程概况 装技术,确保了钢框架结构施工高质量、安全并高效 广东科学中心C~F区为全钢框架结构,结构顺利完成. 分区平面布置如图1所示,由巨型格构式钢柱和巨2工程特点和难点 型钢桁架组成巨型复杂钢框架结构体系,屋盖采用 1)主楼C~F区作为展厅区,其中的布展项目 管桁架结构.巨型格构式钢柱由箱形柱、“日”字形要...
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