施工技术 2011年7月下 106 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOCY 第40卷第345期 广东科学中心隔震支座施工变形及健康监测 王可怡,姬蕾,范雁,陈大宾 (广州大学土木工程学院,广东广州510006) [摘要]广东科学中心首次在巨型钢框架结构中应用隔展技术,隔震支座在框架结构施工过程中产生复杂变形, 通过隔震支座竖向、水平、偏心变形监浏,分析了变形特点,探讨了隔震支座变形的影响因索.采用远程无线白动 化健康监测系统对隔展支座正常服役阶段进行健监测,通过对监测数据的处理与分析,证明隔支座性能状态 稳定. [关键词]隔震支座;施工变形;影响因素;健康监测 .[中图分类号]TU352.12 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2011)04-0106-04 Construction Deformation and Health Monitoring for Isolation Bearings in Guangdong Science Center Wang Keyi Ji Lei Fan Yan Chen Dabin School of Ciuil Engineering Guangzhoa Uninersity Guangzhou Guangdong 510006 China) Abstract:It is the first time to adopt seismic isolation technology in giant steel frame structure in Guangdong Science Center.Complex deformation occured in isolation bearing in steel frame structure construetion process.According to the vertical horizontal and eccentric deformation curves of isolation bearings changing features of the eurves are analyzed and deformation influenee factors of isolation bearings are discussed.By using remote wireless automatic monitoring system authors have a health monitoring for isolation bearings in normal service stage.Through analyzing the monitoring data authors have a conclusion that the performance of the isolation bearings is stable. Key words:isolation bearing;construction deformation;influence faclor;health monitoring 1工程概况 广东科学中心是广东省标志性建筑,其建筑造 型独特、来用多种结构类型,包括混凝土框架结构、 剪力墙结构、预应力混凝土结构、大跨度钢网壳屋盖 结构、巨型钢框架结构、巨型钢管桁架悬挑结构等. 中心共分A B C D E F G7个区域,如图1所示, 其中E区为常设展厅,是7个区域中最大区.鉴 于广东科学中心建设意义重大,以...
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