施工技术 2010年2月 18 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第39卷第2期 广州歌剧院支撑胎架同步分级卸载技术 戴立先,邻国雄,陈龙章,孟祥冲 (中建钢构有限公司,广东深圳518040) 【摘要]广州歌剧院钢结构工程为空间组合折板式三向斜交网格结构.结构面主梁交接处果用铸钢节点,安装过 程中需搭设临时支撑胎架.通过ANSYS进行卸载工况分析,实施过程中严格布设传感器,进行同步监测,保证结 构安全.结果表明,为减少施工过程对网格整体结构变形的影响,待整体安装完毕后,对支撑胎架进行卸除.卸除 方法采用分区同步分级卸载的方法. [关键调]广州歌剧院:同步分级:支撑胎架;监测 [中图分类号]TU745.2[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2010)02-0018-03 Unloading Technology of Supporting Jig with Synchronous Division Classification in Guangzhou Opera House Dai Lixian Kuai Guoxiong Chen Longzhang Meng Xiangchong China Construction Steel Structure Corporation Shenzhen Guangdong 518040 China) Abstract:Space-plate bination of three-fold bias grids is adopted in Guangzhou Opera House.The cast steel joints are selected in structural surface junction with the main beam.Thus temporary supporting jigs are built during the process of installation.Unloading is analyzed by the means of ANSYS software.The sensors are strictly laid to monitor the structure which can ensure the safety.The results show that supporting jigs are unloaded after the whole installation as to decrease effects on the whole deformation during the process of construction by selecting the unloading method of synchronous division classification. Key words:Guangzhou Opera House;synchronous classification;supporting jig;monitoring 1工程概况 节点 广州歌剧院采用“圆润双砾”的设计理念,造型新 二墨 颖、结构独特,由大剧场和多功能厅组成.大剧场平面 投影尺寸127mx125m 高43m 多功能厅平面投影尺 寸87.6m×86.7m 高22m. 主体外围护钢结构采用空间组合折板式三向斜交 图1广州歌剧院钢结构 网格结构,由103个结构面组成.箱形主梁最大截面 Fig.I Guangzhou Opera House ...