2010年11月 施工技术 第39卷第11期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 11 广州珠江新城西塔钢结构残余应力消除方法 汪永胜,顾国荣2,党保卫1 (1.中建钢构有限公司,广东深圳518100;2.中国建筑第三工程局有限公司,湖北武汉430070) [摘要]广州珠江新城西塔工程采用筒中筒结构,钢结构用钢量很大.钢管在卷制、压制和焊接过程中会产生残余 应力.消除残余应力对结构质量控制尤为重要,介绍了构件VR消应工艺和直管振动时效工艺,以及对被处理构 件提出的技术要求.叙述了钢管和节点采用VR时效振动法的技术参数以及局部控制加热法的具体实施过程及 其效果.提高了结构的整体承载力,增强了结构的安全性. [关键词]残余应力;消除方法;VSR;局部控制加热法 [中图分类号]TU392.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2010)11-0011-03 Eliminating Residual Stress Method of Steel Structure in Guangzhou Pearl River New Town West-tower Wang Yongsheng' Gu Guorong Dang Baowei (1.China Construction Steel Structure Co.Ltd. Shenzhen Guangdong 518100 China; 2.China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co.Ltd.Wuhan Hubei 430070 China) Abstract:Guangzhou Pear River New Town West-tower is a tube-in-tube structure whose steel structures need lots of steel.During the reeling pressing and welding of steel pipes residual stress is generated so eliminating residual stress is important for structure quality.The eliminating residual stress method of vibratory stress relief and straight pipe vibratory stress relief are introduced technology requirement of treated ponents is also described.The technical parameters of steel pipes and nodes vibratory stress relief the implementation process and effect of loeal control heat treatment method are put forward.The eliminationg method can imporve structures total bearing capacity and also enhance safety of the structure. Key words:residual stress;eliminating method;vibratory stress relief;local...
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