施工技术 2012年9月下 78 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第41卷第373期 广州西塔四季酒店70层接待大堂三向弧形 切割地面异形石材铺贴技术 王波,郑春 (中建三局装饰有限公司,北京100070) [摘要]以广州西塔四季酒店精装饰工程项目为依托,详细介绍了层接待大堂三向弧形切割地面异形石材铺贴 的施工技术难点以及解决措施;通过计算机模拟排版和工厂实地预排版控制石材色差及对纹,通过计算机控制水 刀切割确保石材切割精度,合理设置控制线和控制点防止累积误差,严格铺贴顺序和方法控制石材的铺贴质量,取 得了良好的装饰效果. [关键词]高层建筑;装饰装修;石材铺贴;测量;色差控制 [中图分类号]TU767.4 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)18-0078-03 Paving Technology of Cutting Three-direction Arc Shaped Ground Stone for Reception Hall of Four Seasons Hotel at Floor 70 of Guangzhou West Tower Wang Bo Zheng Chun Decoration Company of China Construction 3rd Engineering Bureau Beijing 100070 China) Abstract:Based on decorating project of four seasons hotel in Guangzhou west tower the construction difficulties and solution of cutting three-direction are shaped ground stone for reception hall at floor 70 are introduced.Good decoration effect is gained by a series of measures such as controlling stones color difference and pattern through simulation typesetting and pre-typesetting at factory ensuring cutting precision by puter-controlling water cutter avoiding cumulative errors by reasonably setting control lines and points as well as strictly controlling paving process and methods. Key words:tall buildings;decoration;stone paving;surveying;color difference controlling 1工程概况 地面已于前期铺贴完毕,因此与大堂中心区大面积 广州西塔四季酒店是国内目前最高的酒店,也 未铺贴部分石材间的色差平稳过渡控制和分缝平 是国内最著名的超五星级酒店.酒店位于广州西 顺连接变得更有难度. 塔70~101层,位于70层的酒店接待大堂选用进口 2)不规则图案导致分块不规则,石材切割及铺 的雪花白石材地面,铺贴面积约1300m2 该石材底 贴控制难度大 色白、防水及耐污性好(见图1). 大堂以楼层...