施工技术 2012年11月上 100 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第41卷第376期 恒山水库喷涂纯聚脲抗渗新技术 黄微波,向佳瑜,胡晓,谢远伟 (青岛理工大学功能材料研究所,山东青岛266033) [摘要]首先介绍了恒山水库坝体纯聚脲抗渗防护的工程背景,详细探讨了上游坝面基材处理施工工艺,重点阐述 了喷涂纯聚脲施工工艺,最后全面总结了恒山水库纯聚防护工程所遇到的技术难题并探讨了解决的办法.工程 实践表明,恒山水库大坝喷涂纯聚脲防护工程是我国新时期在役水利大坝除险加固的一项创造性突破,技术优势 明显,将喷涂纯聚脲技术应用于水利大坝的防护,能有效确保水利大坝的长期安全运行. [关键词]水库;防水;喷涂聚脲;抗渗;防护;施工工艺 [中图分类号]TU746.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)21-0100-03 New Technology of Sprayed Pure Polyurea for Anti-permeability in Hengshan Reservoir Huang Weibo Xiang Jiayu Hu Xiao Xie Yuanwei (Research Institute of Functional Materials Qingdao Technological University Qingdao Shandong 266033 China) Abstract:The authors firstly introduce the background of Hengshan Reservior protection with sprayed pure polyurea and then elaborate the substrate processing method of upstream dam.After that the construction technology of spraying pure polyurea is highlighted.At last problems during construction are summarized and solutions to the problems are discussed.Engineering practice shows that application of sprayed pure polyurea in protection of Hengshan Reservoir dam makes a creative breakthrough in terms of hydraulic structure reinforcement and takes great advantage over traditional technologies.The technology of applying sprayed pure polyurea in hydraulic dam's protection to ensure their long time safety has great practical significance. Key words:reservoirs;waterproofing;spray polyurea;anti-permeability;protection;construction 新形势下水利基础设施建设不仅关系到防洪、146.2m 坝址为石灰岩.大坝混凝土在服役40年...