施工技术 2014年4月下 10 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第43卷第8期 D0I:10.7672/sgjs20140810 杭州奥体博览中心主体育场钢结构罩棚 铸钢节点设计与有限元分析* 虞崇钢,周观根,洪王东,何挺,周俊 (浙江东南网架股份有限公司,浙江杭州311209) [摘要]近几年不断出现的复杂造型的结构体系使结构中构件与构件的连接方式日趋复杂,而节点设计是结构是 否安全可靠的保障,但对于这种多样化与复杂性的节点,规范未能提出明确的计算公式.相比试验研究在具体工 作中受到的多方面限制(比如资金、工期),三维实体技术、有限元分析为这类问题提供了较为简便的解决办法.以 杭州奥体博览中心主体育场为背景介绍了工程中典型铸钢节点的优化设计与有限元分析. [关键词]钢结构;体育场;罩棚;节点;设计:有限元分析 [中图分类号]TU758 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)08-0010-03 Design and Finite Element Analysis for Cast Steel Joints of Main Stadium of Hangzhou Olympic and International Expo Center Yu Chonggang Zhou Guan'gen Hong Wangdong He Ting Zhou Jun (Zhejiang Southeast Space Frame Co. Lud.Hangzhou Zhejiang 311209 China) Abstract:In recent years the emerging plex model structure system makes the connection model of members more and more plex.Joint design guarantees the structure safety and reliability security.But for such plex joints the codes have no explicit formulae.Test and research are limited by some conditions such as cost and construction period in practice engineering.So 3-D model and finite element analysis are effective to solve the problems.In this article the optimization design and finite element analysis for the cast steel joints are introduced based on Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium project. Key words:steel structures;stadiums;awning;joints;design;finite element analysis 1工程概况 杭州奥体博览中心主体育场为特级特大型体 育场,固定座位达80011席.整个钢罩棚由14组 (28片)主花瓣和13片次花瓣形成的花瓣组构成. 罩棚为空间管桁架与弦支单层网壳钢结构体系构 成的环状花瓣造型,罩棚外边缘南北向长333m 东 西向2...
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