施工技术 2014年7月下 96 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第43卷第14期 D0I:10.7672/sgj82014140096 济宁体育馆张弦屋盖施工张拉模拟分析与监测 张月强1,张峥1 2,丁洁民1 2 (1.同济大学土木工程学院,上海200092;2.同济大学建筑设计研究院,上海200092) [摘要]济宁体育馆根据各区域的功能不同分别采用弦支弯顶和张弦梁结构.弦支弯顶平面为矩形,施工张拉有 很大的难度.对弦支穹顶和张弦梁结构分别制定施工张拉方案,两部分独立进行张拉.通过对弦支穿顶和张弦梁 的施工张拉模拟,并与设计的初始预应力比较,说明施工张拉方案是可行的.同时对施工过程的监测方法和监测 内容进行研究,以对施工工程进行控制. [关键词]钢结构;弦支弯顶;张弦梁;张拉;监测;数值模拟 [中图分类号]TU311.41;TU758 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)14-0096-07 Construction Tension Simulation Analysis and Monitoring of Ji'ning Gymnasium Roof Zhang Yueqiang' Zhang Zheng.2 Ding Jiemin1.2 (1.School of Civil Engineering Tongji University Shanghai 200092 China; 2.Architecture Design Research Institute of Tongji University Shanghai 200092 China) Abstract:According to the various regions of the different functions suspendome and beam string structure were used in Ji'ning Gymnasium respectively.Suspendome's plan is rectangular so tensioned construction have great difficulty.Suspendome and beam string structures were developed tensioning construction program respectively and two parts were tensioned independently.By construction tensioning simulation of suspendome and beam string and pared with the design initial prestress it is indicated that tensioning construction program is feasible.Meanwhile the monitoring methods and contents of construction process is studied to control the construction project. Key words:steel structures;suspendome;beam string;tensioning;monitoring;simulation 1工程概况 支穹顶结构体系.为了保证赛场上方电视屏幕的 济宁体育馆主体呈现连续...