2014年10月上 施工技术 第43卷第19期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 73 D0I:10.7672/5js2014190073 管桩复合地基桩土承载力发挥度研究* 肖成安,韩小雷2,王乐斌3,金俊良1 (1.湖南华雁建设有限公司,湖南衡阳421001;2.华南理工大学土木与交通学院, 广东广州510640;3.中交四航工程研究院有限公司,广东广州510230) [摘要]在高层建筑单桩复合地基原位载荷试验的基础上,深入地分析了加载过程中桩土应力比、荷载分担比及承 载力的发挥情况.结果表明,当地基承载力较大时设置1mm厚的褥垫层是可行的,能有效地发挥土的承载潜 力,否则垫层厚度需要>10mm.而且桩间土的承载力发挥先于桩,在桩屈服前桩土应力比n随着荷载的增加而 增加,最后相对稳定,特征值荷载时应力比平均为19.33.由于桩的挤土、围箍效应等使土的承载能力得到很大 提高,随着荷载增加其效果更明显.在特征值荷载时,柱土的承载能力发挥系数平均值分别为0.72 1.78,极限状 态时分别为1.62 2.96. [关键词]地基:管桩复合地基;试验;承载力;桩土应力比 [中图分类号]TU753.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)19-0073-05 Study on the Bearing Capacity Effect Degree of Pile and Soil in Pipe Pile Composite Foundation Xiao Cheng'an' Han Xiaolei Wang Lebin' Jin Junliang (1.Hu'nan Huayan Construction Co.Ltd.Hengyang Hu'nan 421001 China;2.School of Cizil Engineering and Transportation South China University of Technology Guangzhou Guangdong 510640 China; 3.CCCC Fourth Harbor Engineering Institute Co. Lid.Guangzhou Guangdong 510230 China) Abstract:The in-situ loading tests were carried out.According to the results the pile-soil stress ratio load sharing ratio and exerting degree of bearing capacity were deeply analyzed.The results show that the cushion thickness can be 100mm but the bearing capacity of soil can't be exerted if cushion is not set. The pile's working delay and the pile-soil stress ratio n increases along with the increase of load before the pile yield and bee relatively stable finally the average value of stress ratio is 19.33 in the worki...
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