2010年3月 施工技术 第39卷第3期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 17 贵阳奥体中心地下车库跳仓法施工技术 黄道军,万杨2,宣兆云 (1.中建三局第一建设工程有限贵任公司西部公司,贵州贵阳550002; 2.贵阳金阳建设投资(集团)有服公司,贵州贵阳550023) [摘要]贵阳奥体中心地下车库长170.4m 宽67.8m 属于大体积混凝土工程.果用跳仓法施工,将混凝土结构划 分为2个大区,12个分仓区域.施工前,通过计算确定了合理的分仓间距;通过原材料控制,确定了最终的配合比. 施工过程中,采用合理的施工流程,控制分仓混凝土的浇筑时间,果取正确的分仓缝处理措施及混凝土浇筑和养护 措施,顺利地完成了混凝土施工. [关键询]贵阳奥体中心;车库;大体积混凝土;跳仓法;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU755.6 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2010)03-0017-02 Concreting Sequence Method Construction Technology of Underground Garage in Guiyang Olympic Sport Center Huang Daojun' Wan Yang Xuan Zhaoyun' (1.The West Company The First Construction Engineering Limited Company of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Guiyang Guizhou 550002 China; 2.Guiyang Jinyang Construction Investment Group)Co.Ltd.Guiyang Guizhou 550023 China) Abstract:The underground garage in Guiyang Olympic Sport Center is 170.4m length and 67.8m width which is mass concrete engineering.Concreting sequence method is used for construction of the underground garage which need divide the mass concrete into two large zones and six little zones for each large zone.Before construction the rational zone distance is determined by calculation and the final mix proportion is determined by controlling raw materials.During construction the mass concrete construction is pleted successfully by adopting a series of measures such as selecting reasonable construction sequence controlling concrete pouring time of each zone adopting correct treatment measures for zone joint an...
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