施工技术 2015年1月下 50 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第44卷第2期 D0I:10.7672/sgjs2015020050 鄂尔多斯游泳馆钢结构施工期间温度作用影响分析 陈君,王留成,邢遵胜,叶翔,胡建华,孙莉丽 (浙江精工钢结构集团有限公司,浙江绍兴312030) [摘要]鄂尔多斯游泳馆在钢结构施工期间,昼夜温差较大,导致钢结构产生一定的伸缩变形.由于混凝土从浇筑 到形成设计强度需要一定的养护周期,在这个过程中,混凝土尚未达到设计强度;钢结构在温度作用下产生的伸缩 变形会对钢结构端部尚未黏结成型的混凝土造成不利的影响.以鄂尔多斯游泳馆为背景,简要介绍整个结构体系 以及钢结构施工方法;重点针对温度作用的问题,利用有限元软件进行建模分析,根据分析结果提出合理的解决 办法. [关键词]体育馆;钢结构;混凝土;温度作用;有限元分析 [中图分类号]TU758 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)02-0050-04 Temperature Influence Analysis During Steel Structures Construction of Erdos Swimming Gymnasium Chen Jun Wang Liucheng Xing Zunsheng Ye Xiang Hu Jianhua Sun Lili Zhejiang Jinggong Steel Building Group Co. Ltd.Shaoxing Zhejiang 312030 China) Abstract:During the steel structure construction of Erdos Swimming Gymnasium due to the temperature difference between day and night the structure will produce certain deformation.Concrete forming design strength need a period of time in this process concrete has not yet reached the design strength. Deformation of steel structure ponents under the effect of temperature will cause certain influence to the new concrete.This paper based on the Erdos Swimming Gymnasium as a background the whole structure and steel structure construction method was introduced briefly.Focusing on the above problems by using the finite element software this paper analyzes the influence of temperature on concrete and the reasonable solution methods according to the results of the analysis are put forward. Key words:gymnasiums;steel ...
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