2010年11月 施工技术 第39卷第11期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 107 叠合式装饰斗拱制作安装关键技术 阮连法,王媛2,林炎飞3 (1.浙江大学建筑工程学院,浙江杭州310058;2.浙江大学管理学院,浙江杭州310058; 3.广厦建设集团,浙江杭州310013) [摘要]仿古建筑中斗拱构造复杂,传统的制作安装工艺给现代施工进度和工程质量造成很大影响.普陀山普门 万佛宝塔项目的叠合式装饰斗拱制作安装工程应用AutoCAD计算机辅助放样下料、局部GPS定位测量等关键技 术,施工效率高,施工质量好.着重介绍了上述关键技术的特点、原理及施工操作要点. [关键词]叠合式斗拱;AutoCAD;放样下料;局部GPS;安装定位 [中图分类号]TU72 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2010)11-0107-03 Key Production and Installation Technologies of the Combined Decorative Bucket Arch Ruan Lianfa' Wang Yuan' Lin Yanfei (1.School of Ciuil Engineering and Architecture Zhejiang University Hangzhou Zhejiang 310058 China; 2.School of Management Zhejiang Unizersity Hangzhou Zhejiang 310058 China; 3.Guangsha Construction Group Co.Lid.Hangzhou Zhejiang 310013 China) Abstract:The bucket arch in the pseudo-classic buildings has a plicated structure which brings difficulty to the schedule and quality of modern construction.The Buddha Pagoda project in Putuo Mountain applies several key technologies to the production and installation of the bined decorative bucket arch including using AutoCAD to help lofting and cutting using Indoor GPS to help locating and measuring.Those technologies have a high construction efficiency and quality.The authors introduce the characteristic principle and the operation process of those technologies. Key words:bined bucket arch;AutoCAD;lofting and cutting;Indoor GPS;locating and installation 叠合式斗拱是中国传统木构架体系建筑中独有的 工程施工存在以下困难:①叠合式斗拱形式多样, 构件,用于柱顶、额枋和屋檐或构架间,是古建筑的重而且一种斗拱中构配件复杂、种...
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