2014年11月上 施工技术 第43卷第21期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY D0I:10.7672/5js2014210005 多支护形式共同作用下深基坑力学性能研究 杨辉,吕明1,叶金铋2,刘波,张笈玮1 (1.中国人民解放军63926部队,北京100192;2.重庆大学土木工程学院,重庆400045) [摘要]在开挖深度较大时,组合支护结构得到越来越多的应用,但设计中一般是将各种支护结构单独进行分析, 没有考虑共同作用.以某深基坑为例,通过FLAC建立有限差分模型,分析了土钉、顶撑以及排桩联合支护下深 基坑的稳定性,得到排桩水平位移、土钉轴力、支撑轴力的变化规律.研究结果表明:随着开挖的进行,支护结构受 力增大,但土钉变化不大;超载使桩身位移变大,地表沉降增大;过大或过小的排桩嵌固深度不利于受力;土钉的长 度应合理设置. [关键词]风洞;支护;有限元分析;土钉;桩;共同作用 [中图分类号]TU753.1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)21-0005-05 Research on the Mechanical Performance of Deep Foundation Excavation with Compound Supporting Structure Yang Hui' LǚMing' Ye Jinbi2 Liu Bo' Zhang Jiwei' (1.The 63926 Troop of Chinese People's Liberation Army Beijing 100192 China; 2.College of Ciril Engineering Chongqing University Chongqing 400045 China) Abstract:As a new kind of technology in deep foundation excavation the bined supporting structure is attracting more attentions.However research of the coupled effect is generally rare.Based on the software FLACSD the coupled effect of a deep foundation excavation with bined supporting structure is analyzed.The supporting structure is posed of soil nail top supports and row piles.The law of the horizontal displacement of piles the axial force of soil nail and the bracing axial force is obtained.The results show that force of the structure increases as the excavation depth increase but the axial force of soil nail is observed little variation.The overload would significantly increase the displacement of pile the su...
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