施工技术 2015年1月上 84 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第44卷第1期 D0I:10.7672/sgjs2015010084 干湿循环作用下高液限土抗剪性能试验研究* 方庆军’,崔猛2 (1.福建工程学院土木工程学院,福建福州350108;2,河海大学岩土工程科学研究院,江苏南京210098) [摘要]为研究高液限土在干湿循环作用下抗剪性能的变化规律,在实验室内通过使试样吸水后失水(或先失水后 吸水)来模拟现场干湿循环过程,并进行了大量的室内三轴压缩试验,从试验中发现:不论何种循环次序下,经过4 次干湿循环过后土样的内部结构基本趋于稳定.高液限土具有一定的胀缩性,在干湿循环作用下试样微裂纹的数 量有所增长且原有的微裂纹有扩展趋势. [关键词]地基;高液限土;干湿循环;抗剪强度;试验 [中图分类号]TU411.7[文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)01-0084-05 Test and Study on Shear Behavior of High Liquid Limited Soil with Dry-wet Cycle Fang Qingjun3 Cui Meng㎡ (1.College of Civil Engineering Fujian University of Technology Fuzhou Fujian 350108 China; 2.Geotechnical Research Institute Hohai University Nanjing Jiangsu 210098 China) Abstract:For simulating the field wetting and drying cycle mass high liquid limited samples of triaxial test repeat through the process of absorbing water and dehydration or dehydration and absorbing water). Then the samples are put in the formal triaxial tests for studying the variation of shear behavior of high liquid limited soil during cyclic wetting and drying.From the result of the tests we can find that the internal structure of all soil samples tends to stability after 4 times wetting and drying cyclic on the two cycle order.From all tests it can be found that high liquid limited soil has swell-shrink characteristics the quantity of micro crack increased and the original crack extended in wetting and drying cycle. Key words:foundations;high liquid limited soil;drought-wet cycle;shear stren...