2014年9月上 施工技术 第43卷第17期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 43 D0I:10.7672/sjs2014170043 电子雷管起爆错相减震试验研究 刘丽霞1,蒋玉波2,李进进1 2 (1.济南城建集团有限公司,山东济南250031;2.中国矿业大学力学与建筑工程学院,江苏徐州221116) [摘要]在雷管起爆错相减震原理的基础上,进行毫秒延期雷管和电子雷管起爆试验.通过对远近场地爆破引起 的振动监测,在距爆源>50m的位置,其衰减规律符合萨道夫斯基公式.电子雷管的错相减震效果明显,其震动明 显低于普通毫秒延期雷管,且在爆区中心30m以外的振速不足2.5cm/s 可有效避免爆破地震造成的危害. [关键词]电子雷管:错相;减震;试验;监测 [中图分类号]TU751.9;TD235.33 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)17-0043-03 Experimental Study on the Shock Absorption by Phase Dislocation Using Electron-delay Detonator Liu Lixia' Jiang Yubo2 Li Jinjin'.2 (1.Ji'nan Urban Construction Group Ji'nan Shandong 250031 China;2.School of Mechanics Ciuil Engineering China Unirersity of Mining and Technology Xuzhou Jiangsu 221116 China) Abstract:The detonating experiment about millisecond delay detonator and electron-delay detonator was carried out on the basis of the principle of shock absorption by phase dislocation.Through the blasting vibration monitoring about the near and far field the attenuation rule of blasting shock accords with the Sadov's formula when the length is more than 50m from the explosion center.The decrease of shake is obvious by using electron-delay detonator.It is significantly lower than the mon millisecond delay detonator and the vibration velocity is less than 2.5em/s 30 meters outside of the explosion center which can effectively avoid the damage of blasting earthquake. Key words:electron-delay detonators;phase dislocation shock absorption;testing;monitoring 0引言 体通低滤高的特性,高频爆炸波衰减很快,...