2015年4月上 施工技术 第44卷第7期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 105 D0I:10.7672/5j52015070105 盾构掘进诱发振动对框架结构影响研究* 郭飞1,苏艺2,陶连金,黄俊3 (1.北京工业大学建筑工程学院,北京100124;2.广州市地下轨道总公司,广东广州510380; 3.中建三局人防与地下空间设计院,湖北武汉430071) [摘要]以北京西部地区浅埋砂卵石盾构施工产生的振动对周边建(构)筑物的影响为背景,借助ABAQUS有限元 软件,计算各楼层动力响应,分析各楼层振动时域与频域特点,对地表环境影响进行分析,结果表明:由于盾构掘进 振动频带较宽,且以中高频为主,振动波通过结构物基础向上传播过程中,由于与结构一阶、二阶振型频率差异,使 振动峰值和频率不断衰减,其中水平向衰减较为明显.振级变化规律并不明显.随着结构物层数增加,水平向和竖 直向呈增加趋势. [关键词]地铁:盾构;砂卵石地层;振动 [中图分类号]U455.43 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)07-0105-05 Shield Tunneling Induced Vibration on Frame Structure Impact Study Guo Fei' Su Yi2 Tao Lianjin' Huang Jun (1.College of Architecture and Ciril Engineering Beijing University of Technology Beijing 100124 China; 2.Guangzhou Underground Rail Head Guangzhou Guangdong 510380 China; 3.CCTEB Ciril Defense and Underground Space Institute Wuhan Hubei 430071 China) Abstract:Shallow sandy pebble in west Beijing area of shield construction vibrations caused by the engineering background of a nuisance and the interference problem based on field measured to obtain input of vibration wave in the areas residents plaints seriously with the aid of the finite element software ABAQUS floors dynamic response calculation analysis of the vibration characteristics of time domain and frequency domain the floors environmental impact analysis on the surface.Results show that the vibration due to shield tunneling wide frequency band and mainly in high frequency vibration wave propagation through structure foundation up due to ...