施工技术 2017年7月上 132 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第46卷第13期 D0I:10.7672/8js2017130132 盾构隧道施工对浅基础建筑物影响研究 申兴柱1,高锋2,王少鹏2,于清洋,王士民1 (1.西南交通大学交通隧道工程教育部重点实验室,四川成都610031; 2.中国水利水电第十一工程局有限公司,河南郑州450001) [摘要]结合深圳地铁7号线穿越4栋2层浅基础(2层烧结砖基础)建筑物,采用数值模拟的方法并与现场监测数 据相结合,研究盾构施工对浅基础建筑物的影响规律.通过分析盾构掘进对地表横纵向、建筑物关键观测点沉降 及建筑物基础应力的影响程度,并与现场监测结果进行对比,研究结果表明靠近隧道一侧建筑物地表沉降比远侧 沉降偏大;地层软硬程度对地表建筑物沉降影响较大,尤其是软硬地层交界面位于同一建筑物下方时,会造成建筑 物点沉降差异较大;数值模拟结果比监测数据偏大,在施工中可借鉴数值模拟结果对建筑物变形量进行预测是否 在可控范围内. [关键词]隧道:盾构;数值模拟;监测;变形 [中图分类号]U455.43 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2017)13-0132-06 Research on Influence of Shield Tunnel Construction on Buildings with Shallow Foundations SHEN Xingzhu' GAO Feng WANG Shaopeng YU Qingyang' WANG Shimin' (1.Key Laboratory of Transportation Tunnel Engineering Ministry of Education Southwest Jiaotong Unirersity Chengdu Sichuan 610031 China;2.Sinohydro Bureau 11 Co.Lid.Zhengzhou He'nan 450001 China) Abstract:Taking shield tunnel passing 4 buildings on two layers of clay brick foundation in Shenzhen Metro 7th Line Project for example its different settlement and variation of internal force due to the passage of a shield tunnel is investigated by using numerical simulation and field monitoring data.The results indicated that the surface settlement of buildings closing to the side of the shield tunnel is larger than that of the far side.The stratum has a great influence on the settlement of buildings especially the soft and hard strata located in the same building.The results of numerical simulation are larger than t...
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