施工技术 2012年6月上 102 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第41卷第366期 防腐砂浆的防腐性能研究 张新庆,李光球2,薛亮亮2,王惠明2 (1.苏州市吴中区建设工程质量监督站,江苏苏州215128;2.苏州市站苏新型建材有限公司,江苏苏州215132) 【摘要]针对建筑物表面混凝土剥落、碳化和钢筋锈蚀,从而严重影响混凝土建筑物的寿命和外观,甚至危及混凝 土建筑物正常使用和安全的问题,开发了一种高强度防水防腐砂浆.首先,详细介绍了该种高强度防水防腐砂浆 的性能,包括原材料组成和性能指标:其次,介绍了防腐砂浆的背腐试验情况,包括静期对防腐性能的影响,以及浸 泡时间对防腐性能的影响. 【关键词]砂浆:防腐砂浆;龄期;浸泡时间;试验;防腐性能 [中图分类号]TU578.1 [文献标识码]A[文章编号】1002-8498(2012)11-0102-03 Study on Anticorrosion Performance of Anticorrosive Mortar Zhang Xinqing' Li Guangqiu?.Xue Liangliang Wang Huiming' (1.Suthou Wuzhong Wuzhong District Construction Project Qualisy Supervision Station Suahou Jiangsu 215128 China: 2.Suzhou Gusu new Building Materials Co.Lad.Surhou Jiangsu 215132 China) Abstract:Based on concrete spalling carbonization and steel corrosion of building surface which seriously affect service life and appearance of concrete structures and even endanger normal use and safety of concrete structures a kind of high strength waterproof and anticorrosive mortar is developed. Firstly the authors introduce performance of the kind of high strength waterproof and anticorrosive mortar including material position and performance index in detail;secondly the authors introduce anticorrosive experiments of anticorrosive mortar including age effect on anticorrosion performance and soaking time effect on anticorrosion performance. Key words:mortar anticorrosive mortar;age;immersion time;testing;anticorrosion performance 近年来,建筑表面混凝土剥落、碳化和钢筋锈表面涂覆防腐涂料.但该种方法工程造价较高,工 蚀的问题日益引起人们的注意,特别...