2016年12月上 施工技术 第45卷第23期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 19 D0I:10.7672/5js2016230019 风险预控管理在盾构施工煤矿斜井工程中的应用研究* 曹勰 (神华新街能源有限责任公司新街项目部,内蒙古鄂尔多斯017212) [摘要]盾构法作为一种成熟的隧道施工方法,在铁路、公路、市政、水电领域有着广泛应用.但该工法在煤矿中的 应用是一个崭新的课题,无现成规范和工程实例可以借鉴,对于神华新街台格庙矿区大埋深、长距离煤矿斜井施工 将面临深部高地应力、高水压、开采扰动等恶劣、复杂工作环境的挑战及风险.风险预控作为国内煤矿安全管理最 有效方法,具有理念先进、方法科学、应用有效的特点.把风险预控管理法应用到盾构施工新街台格庙煤矿试验斜 井工程建设安全管理中,必将对盾构安全、高效、顺利施工提供强有力的安全保障作用. [关键词]煤矿:斜井;盾构;风险预控管理:危险源辨识:风险管控点;应用 [中图分类号]TD79*1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)23-0019-03 Risk Pre-control Management's Application in Construction of Shield Tunneling Coal Mine Inclined Shaft Cao Xie Xinjie Project Department of Shenhua Xinjie Energy Co.Ltd.Ordos Inner Mongolia 017212 China) Abstract:As a mature tunnel construction method shield method is widely applied in fields such as railway highway municipal work and hydropower.However the application of the construction method in coal mine is a brand-new subject no existing standard or project case can be used as reference.The inclined shaft of Shenhua Xinjie Taigemiao Mine has the feature of large depth and long range hence the construction is facing the challenge and risk of plex conditions such as high ground pressure high hydraulic pressure and mining disturbance in deep areas.As the most effective coal mine safety management method in China risk pre-control is advanced in idea scientific in approach and effective in practice.Applying risk pre-control management method in the construction safety management of shield tunneling Xinjie T...