2014年8月上 施工技术 第43卷第15期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 111 D0I:10.7672/5j52014150111 仿古建筑钢-木组合结构构架创新 施工技术的研究与应用 贾慕晟,王江平2,张兰香2 (1.山西建筑工程(集团)总公司,山西太原030002;2.山西一建集团有限公司,山西太原030012) [摘要]针对钢木组合结构构架仿唐塔式建筑这一新兴的结构体系,如何既能保证结构安全又能体现建筑风格是 个值得研究的课题.通过对钢、木构架体系的理论分析以及钢-木组合结构与木结构构造的对比分析,给出了节点 深化设计要求、工艺流程与控制要点.通过实施表明,这种工艺分解与细化要求,在满足结构安全的同时,达到了 建筑艺术形制的要求. [关键词]仿古建筑:钢-木组合结构:创新管理:施工技术;应用 [中图分类号]TU198 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)15-0111-05 Study and Application of Steel-wood Composite Structure Innovative Construction Technology for Ancient Style Building Jia Musheng' Wang Jiangping2 Zhang Lanxiang2 (1.Shanxi Construction Engineering Group)Co.Taiyuan Shanxi 030002 China; 2.Shanxi First Construction Co.Ltd.Taiyuan Shanxi 030012 China) Abstract:With regard to the innovative structural system of steel-wood posite structure in Tang dynasty style architecture how to guarantee structural safety while epitomize the architectural style is a topic worth studying.Through theoretical analysis of steel and wood frame system and parative analysis of steel-wood posite structure and wood structure this paper points out requirement for joint design development and key points for technique workflow and controlling.Through practice it proves that such technique deposition and development requirement reaches the requirement of architectural artistic form while satisfy structural safety. Key words:ancient style building architeeture;steel-wood posite structure;innovation management; construction;applicati...