施工技术 2012年9月上 92 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第41卷第372期 冻土地区人防改造对地表沉降 影响规律的研究 李洪春,段宝福,李磊 (山东省土木工程防灾减灾重点实验室(山东科技大学),山东青岛266590) [摘要]通过对哈尔滨市地铁烟厂站一工程大学明挖段区间地表沉降的监测,分析了影响地铁地表安全的主要因 素,总结出了扩挖施工引起地表沉降的横向和纵向分布规律,同时验证了扩挖施工的合理性.研究成果表明,冻融 现象、支护方式、地面车流量、开挖方式是影响地表沉降的主要因素.从监测结果来看,地表的沉降基本在报警值 以内,在特殊路段出现险情后,抢救措施是有效的. [关键词]地铁;沉降;监控;量测;冻融 [中图分类号]TU921;U455 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)17-0092-03 Study on the Influence of Civil Air Defense Work Redevelopment on Surface Settlement in Frozen Region Li Hongchun Duan Baofu Li Lei (Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Civil Engineering Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (Shandong University of Science and Technology) Qingdao Shandong 266590 China) Abstract:By monitoring the surface subsidence during the open excavation of the cigarette factory to engineering university segment in Harbin metro station construction the authors analyzed the impact of the main factors on surface safety of tunnels summarized the principles for the transverse and longitudinal distribution of surface subsidence caused by expansive digging and verified the rationality of expansive digging.Research results show that the freeze-thaw phenomenon the supporting method ground traffic flux and excavation method are the main factors that influence the surface subsidence.Monitoring results show that monitored surface settlement value was less than alarming value and the rescue measures adopted were effective when dangerous situations occurred in special road sections. Key words:subway...
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