施工技术 2012年11月上 70 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第41卷第376期 北京市农村住宅加固改造试点项目研究 魏建友,陈娜2 (1.北京市房地产科学技术研究所,北京100021;2.亚太建设科技信息研究院,北京100120) [摘要]现有农村住宅(平房)普遍存在经验设计、个人搭建、无抗震设计等问题,所以当地震发生时其破坏往往很 严重,造成生命财产的严重损失.为此北京市房地产科学技术研究所编制了《北京市既有农村住宅建筑(平房)综 合改造实施技术导则》(以下简称《导则》),并按照《导则》要求挑选大兴区、顺义区的4处农村住宅进行了试点加 固,并对《导则》的内容和2处具有代表性的试点项目加固情况进行介绍. [关键词]加固;改造;农村住宅;试点 [中图分类号]TU746.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)21-0070-03 Study on Rural Pilot Buildings for Strengthening and Transformation in Beijing Wei Jianyou' Chen Na2 (1.Beijing Institute of Real Estate Science and Technology Beijing 100021 China; 2.Asia-pacific Institute of Construction Scitech Information Beijing 100120 China) Abstract:The rural buildings generally have many problems such as experience design individual construction and non-seismic design so there will be serious loss of life and property during the earthquake.For the above reasons the Beijing rural residential buildings prehensive renovation technical guidelines(referred to as guidelines)was written by Beijing Institute of Real Estate Science and Technology and four rural buildings in Shunyi and Daxing districts of Beijing were reinforced according to the guidelines.The content of guidelines and the pilot projects are introduced. Key words:strengthening;reconstruction;rural buildings;pilot 1《导则》简介 1.2《导则》适用范围及抗震设防目标 1.1《导则》制定背景和内容 《导则》适用于北京地区层数为1层(不含多 为配合北京地区农村的实际情况和农村住宅 层)农宅的抗震加固和节能改造,不适用于新建农 的结构特点,参考国家和北京市相关规范、标准的 村住宅工程的抗震与节能设计和施工质量评定. 基础上和实施《北京市农民住宅抗震节能工作实施 按照《导则》要求进行加固的农村住宅,当遭受相...