施工技术 2014年6月下 26 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第43卷第12期 D01:10.7672/sgjs2014120026 唱凯堤决口封堵抢险方案及关键技术措施* 张利荣,严匡柠,张海英 (武警水电第二总队,江西南昌330096) [摘要]2010年6月21日,江西抚州唱凯堤由于洪水发生宽度为348m的特大决口.武警水电部队奉命承担决口 封堵任务,在抢险中充分发挥了专业部队的优势,制定了机械化双向立堵的抢险方案,采用抢通抢修道路、控制决 口宽度、削减洪峰流量、创造双向立堵条件、多方制备封堵料源等关键技术措施,实现了快速封堵的目标.总结出 有效可行的技术措施,为类似险情处置提供有益的借鉴参考. [关键词]抢险;决口封堵;戗堤;施工;措施 [中图分类号]TV871 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)12-0026-03 Emergency Rescue Scheme and Key Technology Measures of Changkai Dike Crevasse Sealing Zhang Lirong Yan Kuangning Zhang Haiying No.2 Hydropover Force of Armed Police Nanchang Jiangxi 330096 China) Abstract:The Fuzhou Changkai dike at Jiangxi take place crevasse by flood at June 21st 2010.The soldiers of Hydropower Force of Armed Police undertake the sealing task then using the soldier advantages to formulate the sealing scheme of sealing from two directions.A series of key technique measures are used including rush repair the roads control the dike width reducing the peak discharge creating sealing conditions materials making and preparation to realize the rush sealing aim.The feasible technology measures are summarized.It gives a reference for other emergency rescue. Key words:emergency rescue;crevasse sealing;closure dike;construction;countermeasures 2010年6月21日,江西抚州唱凯堤由于洪水宽度10m 迎水面坡度1:2.15,背水面坡度1:1.75. 发生决口,决口宽度348m;决口导致大片房屋被淹、 抚河中游主要为冲积平原,唱凯堤区段地势比 农作物被毁,近1万受灾群众被迫离开家园.造成较平坦,地表主要出露第四系全新统人工堆积层、 严重的经济损失和巨大的社会影响.6月23日武 冲积层和白垩系上统地层.堤基多为砂砾石或中 警水电部队奉命封堵决口,27日18时6分胜利合 粗砂的透水地基,堤身由低液限黏土、粉细砂等填 龙,提前完成任...