2016年8月下 施工技术 第45卷第16期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 91 D0I:10.7672/8js2016160091 复杂倒锥形钢管柱制作安装技术研究与实践 陈治,范彩霞,孔维拯 (中建钢构有限公司,广东深创518040) [摘委]本工程采用倒雅形钢管柱支承结构,其柱底角接触关节轴承支座制作容装工艺夏杂,柱项多维销和连接节 点精度要求高.遥过时柱内水管、钢管、轴承支座、柱项节点的分段焊装工艺的整体研究设计,实现了内管外 柱同步吊装与检正,保证了杂倒雅形钢管柱的容装精度. [并键词]钢结构;倒推形;钢柱;装;精度 [中图分类号]TU758.1 [交献标识码]A[交章编号]1002-8498(2016)16-0091-05 Research and Practice About Inverted Conical Steel Tube Column Installation Technology Chen Zhi Fan Caixia Kong Weizheng China Construction Steel Structure Co.Lad.Shenzhen Guangdong 518040 China) Abstract:The project uses the inverted conical steel tube column supporting structure its installation process of the bottom column joint bearing manufacture is plex and the multi pin connection nodes requires high accuracy as well.The rain water pipe in column steel sleeve bearing support the nodes at the tops of columns of subsection welding process were designed and studied.Through the above research work the internal and external column synchronous lifting and correction was realized and the installation precision of the plex inverted conical tube column was ensured. Key words:steel structures;inverted conical;steel tube column;installation;precision 1结构特征 本工程屋盖采用带有加强架的斜交斜放网 架结构,主要由104根倒雅形钢管柱支承(见图1). 钢管柱最大截面壶径2200mm 最大壁厚42mm 柱 内安装有不锈钢雨水管和钢套管,施工交叉点多而 复杂.钢柱最大长度30.5m 标准柱距36m×36m 在柱距非常大的情况下其柱底节点承受最大竖向 图1屋盖结梅单元示意 荷载达到8000kN 水平椅载达到4200kN 在极端 Fig.1 The roof structure element 荷载工况下,甚至还可能出现垂直向上的拔力,给 场吊装的方法施工,这样使得柱项销轴连接节点和 施工带来极大园难. 柱底角接触关节轴承的预定装配精度实现验为圈 钢管柱...