2016年7月上 施工技术 第45卷第13期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 97 D0I:10.7672/5j52016130097 复杂地层中大直径泥水盾构开挖面失稳及处理研究 赵峻 (上海隧道工程有限公司,上海200232) [摘要]南京地铁某标段区间隧道工程采用了1m级大直径泥水气压平衡盾构施工,介绍了该泥水气压平衡式盾 构在含砾中粗砂层和粉细砂地层中开挖面失稳的两种现象及处理技术.对于开挖面失稳的现象和原因进行了分 析,确定了失稳后舱内坍塌造成泥水管路堵塞的处理方法以及如何重新建立泥水平衡,总结了防止失稳的掘进技 术措施,最终顺利完成盾构掘进. [关键词]地铁;盾构;泥水气压平衡盾构;开挖面;失稳;施工技术 [中图分类号]U455.43 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)13-0097-04 Study on Tunnel Face Failure in the Excavation of Large Diameter Slurry Shield Tunnels in Complex Stratum and Treatment Measures Zhao Jun (Shanghai Tunnel Engineering Co.Ltd.Shanghai 200232 China) Abstract:A 11m diameter slurry shield was used in the excavation of a river tunnel of Nanjing Metro. Two phenomenon of tunnel face failure of this machine in gravels and fine sand ground and correspondent treatment measures are introduced.The failure phenomenon and mechanism of tunnel face are discussed. The treatment measures of slurry pipe blockage due to the collapse in the chamber when the face failed as well as the reestablishment approach of slurry balance are determined.And excavation technical measures to prevent the failure of tunnel face are summarized.The excavation of the tunnel was successfully finished. Key words:subways;shields;slurry pressure balanced shield;excavation surface; instability;construction 盾构法隧道施工中,开挖面的稳定是能否连10200mm 环宽2000mm.该盾构本体长约13m 续、正常、安全施工的前提之一,而泥水气压平衡盾(车架段约100m) 最大推力139820kN 最大推进 构依靠加压泥水支护开挖面土体,其对稳定性的控 速度50mm/min 刀盘额定扭矩21174kNm 脱困扭 制要求更高,尤其在复杂地层中进行泥水盾构施矩25246kNm 主驱动密封与盾尾密封均为...
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