施工技术 2017年4月下 28 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第46卷第8期 D0I:10.7672/sgjs2017080028 复杂地质及周边环境超长全回转全套管灌注桩 施工技术* 周学民12,王兴康2,赵建立1 (1.中国二十冶集团有限公司,上海201999;2.宁波二十冶建设有限公司,浙江宁波315800) [摘要]针对福建罗源钢坯打捞工程围护桩施工遇到的问题,分别从复杂地质条件下全套管掘进钻孔工艺、桩身垂 直度控制、混凝土凝固时间及拔管控制等方面,提出了长度达63m的超长全回转全套管灌注柱施工技术.基坑开 挖完成后,围护桩的成桩质量及效果明显优于泥浆护壁灌注桩,验证了技术的可行性.该技术无污染、适用条件 广、对周边扰动小、成桩效果好,能够有效在各种复杂地质条件及周边环境下施工,具有良好的社会效益和经济 效益. [关键词]全回转全套管;灌注柱;掘进;垂直度;拔管;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU476.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2017)08-0028-04 Construction Technology of Ultra Long Filling Pile with Full Rotary Casing Method Under Conditions of Complex Geology and Surrounding Environment ZHOU Xuemin'.2 WANG Xingkang2 ZHAO Jianli' (1.China MCC20 Group Co. Lad. Shanghai 201999 China;2.Ningbo Ershiye Construction Co.Ltd.Ningbo Zhejiang 315800 China) Abstract:During the construction of salvage billet project in Luoyuan Fujian the technology of ultra-long filling piles with full rotary casing TUFPFRC)was adopted to build the retaining structure.The difficulties encountered during construction were discussed.The drilling technology verticality control concrete solidification speed and case pulling control were studied in detail in conditions of plex geology and surrounding environment.The TUFPFRC for the length of 63m was proposed.According to the test results the quality of filling pile by TUFPFRC was much better than the one by the method of slurry wall.The TUFPFRC has many advantages such as non-pollution wide application condition small disturbance to surrounding and good effect of pile.This technology can be used to construct filling pile for various conditions plex geology and surrounding environment.Social and economic effectiveness is significant. Key words:full rotary casing;filling pile;drilling;verticality;case pulling;construction 0引言 浆护壁,具有环境友好、适用地层广、对周边土体影 全回转全套管灌注桩施工技术是利用全回转 响小等优点,特别适用于淤泥、卵砾石及全风化基 全套管钻机,将预制好的钢套管通过360°回转压人 岩等多种地层2(也称为万能工法). 地层至一定深度,通过冲抓斗将钢套管内的土体取 目前,全回转全套管灌注桩深度较浅,大多在 出,再逐步压入套管成孔,最后吊放钢筋笼、灌注混 40m范围内.虽然也有桩长超过40m的情况,但钢 凝土、起拔钢...
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