2017年6月下 施工技术 第46卷第12期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 57 D0I:107672/8js2017120057 复杂环境中深基坑加固技术综合应用 王永华 (中铁建设集团有限公司,北京100040) [摘要]随着地下空间的不断开发,单一支护方法已难以满足复杂的基坑设计,而多种支护方式的综合应用已经变 得越来越普遍.以北京某深基坑工程为例,分析了深基坑支护结构发生较大位移、桩体开裂的原因,介绍了该深基 坑的原支护设计和加固所采用的支护方案.对加固处理后的监测数据进行分析,结果表明该深基坑支护设计方案 合理,满足要求. [关键词]深基坑;支护;加周;预应力错索;旋喷桩;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU753 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2017)12-0057-04 Combined Application of Reinforce Technology in Deep Foundation Excavation WANG Yonghua China Railway Construction Group Co.Lid.Beijing 100040 China) Abstract:With the continuous development of underground space excavation the single and simple support form is difficult to satisfy the design of plex foundation excavation nowadays while the application of multiple support forms bee more and more popular in foundation excavation engineering.Based on a super-large deep foundation excavation in Beijing this paper analyzes the reasons of large displacement and pile cracks in super-large deep foundation excavation original support forms and reinforce support forms of deep foundation excavation including pile pre-anchor double-row piles long-span brace pre-lattice-anchor over-long chemical churning pile are introduced.Monitoring data analysis after reinforcement shows that the support forms are reasonable and meet the requirements. Key words:deep foundation excavation;supports;reinforcement;prestressed anchor;jet grouting pile;construction 0引言 移4.陈富强等[5经计算认为,坑内加固宽度可取 随着城市建设的高速发展,复杂地质条件及周06~08倍的铺桩嵌固深度,若再加大加固宽度对 边环境下的深基坑越来...
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