施工技术 2010年10月 108 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第39卷第10期 多层木结构古建筑榫卯节点拼装技术研究 张少华,姬东2,朱俊2,覆仲明2 《1.苏州工业园区科技发展有限公司,江苏苏州215131; 2.苏州狮山建容装工程有限公司,江苏苏州215131) 要]在木传构古建筑中,建筑的损坏多数由样卵节点的破怀而引起的,园此木梅之间的和豆结至关童要, 传洗的施工方法是先确定节点方式再进行拼辈施工,以致不间的节点梅造给施工带集了困难.大阁程并没有 一味的遥束传镜,而是根据诚工程构造,先确定拼梨汇样的施流程,再根据不同构件的受力要,选相应的样 卵结构并德合现代传构技术和工艺,进样脱方便施工,又能提高构件的承我能力和整个木德构体系的定性. [芙键词]木构古建筑:拼装:样卵节点 [中受分类]TU759 [文披标识]A [立章编]1002-8498(2010)10-0108-04 Research on Installation Technology of Tenon and Mortise Joint in Multi-floor Timberwork Ancient Building Zhang Shaohua' Ji Dong2 Zhu Jun2 Qu Zhongming? (1.Suzhou Industrial Park of Science and Technology Derelopment Co.Lad.Suzhou Jiangsu 215131 China: 2.Suzhou Erjian Construction Group Co.Lsd.Suzhou Jiangsu 215131 China) Abstract:The damages of timberwork ancient building is often caused by damages of tenon and mortise joints.So the connections of timber ponent are very important.Traditional construction technology is to determine the joint form and then to install the joint.Because of different joint forms the traditional construction teehnology is very diffieult.But the construetion of Mantra Pavilion breaks the routine. According to the construction strueture the construction sequence of tenon and mortise joint installation is determined.Based on the bearing capacity of different members the corresponding tenon and mortise structure are bined with the modern technology which ensure the bearing capacity and stability of timberwork. Key words:timberwork ancient building...