2010年6月 施工技术 第39卷第6期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 59 大型钢箱梁焊接工艺及变形控制 米凯华1,欧阳运华2 (1.武警水电第二总队八支队,福建厦门361009;2.武拳水电第二总队,江西南器330096) [摘要]基于潮州供水枢纽工程闸坝事故,分析焊接原理,介绍检修门箱形钢梁焊接工艺,包括下料、单件制作、拼 装等.并对方便快捷的新型焊接工艺优缺点进行分析,提出控制箱梁变形和变形矫正的措施,有效解决了箱梁焊 接变形控制问题.结果表明,该焊接工艺提高了箱梁制作速度,保证了箱梁制作质量和施工安全. [关键词]焊接工艺;变形控制;箱梁 [中图分类号]TV73 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2010)06-0059-02 Welding Technology and Deformation Control of Large Steel Box Girder Mi Kaihua' Ouyang Yunhua2 (1.No.8 Detachment No.2 Hydropowver Force of Armed Police Xiamen Fujian 361009 China; 2.No.2 Hydropower Force of Armed Police Nanchang Jiangxi 330096 China) Abstract:Based on the accident of water-supply hub dam in Chaozhou the welding principles are analyzed.The welding technologies of steel box girder in maintenance gate are introduced such as cutting production of single member assembly and so on.Besides advantages and disadvantages of new convenient welding technology are analyzed.Measures are put forward to control and rectify the deformation of box girder which can effectively solve the control on welding deformation of box girder. The results show that the welding technology can speed up the production of box girder furthermore quality and construction safety of box girder are ensured. Key words:welding technology;deformation control;box girder 在水工钢结构及建筑钢结构中,箱梁是应用较为上,同时为避免构件因焊接收缩变形而影响最终外形 普遍的钢结构形式.大型箱梁往往设计为重型结构尺寸,下料时板料长度增加2mm余量. 件,其外形尺寸大,强度较高,稳定性好,是承担外部荷 箱梁焊缝坡口形式设计中,在保证焊接质量的前 载的主要部件,但同时箱梁尺寸精度要求高. 提下,选用焊缝填充金属少的坡口形式对减小焊接收 1工程概况 缩变形有利.此次选择翼板、腹...
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