2013年7月上 施工技术 第42卷第13期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 33 D01:10.7672/sgjs2013130033 大直径圆形钢板桩围堰施工技术 李仁民,刘伟2,陈晓凤1 (1.东南大学岩土工程研究所,江苏南京210096;2.中交三公局第二工程有限公司,北京100006) [摘要]钢板桩围堰由于施工周期短、综合成本低等特点,越来越多的深水基础开始采用.徐明高速淮河特大桥2 号承台为直径26.0m的圆形承台,采用圆形钢板桩围堰.结合该工程实例介绍了钢板桩的打拔、腰梁安装、钢板桩 锁口漏水处理、硬黏土层湿挖、封底混凝土浇筑等大直径圆形钢板桩围堰施工成套技术. [关键词]桥梁工程;承台;钢板桩;围堰;施工技术 [中图分类号]U443.1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)13-0033-05 Construction Technology of Large-diameter Circular Steel Sheet Pile Cofferdam Li Renmin' Liu Wei Chen Xiaofeng' (1.Institute of Geotechnical Engineering of SEU Nanjing Jiangsu 210096 China: 2.The Second Engineering Co.Lad.of the CCCC Third Highway Engineering Co.Lid.Beijing 100006 China) Abstract:Because of short construction period and low cost steel sheet pile cofferdam are more and more applied in deep-water foundations.The round pile cap of Xuzhou-Mingguang Highway Huaihe River Bridge No.20 pile cap has diameter of 26.0m using a circular steel sheet pile cofferdam.Combined with the engineering practice this paper introduces the construction of the steel sheet pile installation of cofferdam leakage treatment of locking steel sheet pile pouring of the back cover of concrete and other plete sets of technology for large-diameter circular steel sheet pile cofferdam. Key words:bridges;pile cap;steel sheet pile;cofferdam;construction 目前水中承台施工可以采用双壁钢围堰、锁口度达16.9m(封底混凝土3.0m).经过方案比选确 钢套箱、双排钢板桩围堰和钢板桩围堰等方案.例定承台基坑开挖采用无内支撑的圆形钢板桩围堰, 如钱江四桥[11、七浦塘大桥2、襄樊汉江五桥[3等围堰直径为31.64m 钢板桩桩长为27m 坑内没有 围堰均采用双壁钢围堰方案;青岛海湾大桥、集设置水平内支...