施工技术 2014年5月上 74 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第43卷第9期 D0I:10.7672/sjs2014090074 大跨度环形空间索结构施工成型方法研究* 周丽君,梁存之,冯大斌 (中国建筑科学研究院建筑结构研究所,北京100013) [摘要]大跨度环形空间索结构是一种新型结构,具有轻质、高效、自平衡性等优点.对结构特点进行分析,根据结 构拓扑构成对结构进行分类;在此基础上,分析了不同结构拓扑形式下预应力的各种建立方式,并结合结构初始状 态下的索力分布、施工便捷性、经济性等指出各种成型方式的优缺点,提出了相应合理的结构成型方式.最后,给 出结构张拉成型方式的具体工程应用. [关键词]索结构;空间结构;自平衡性;拓扑;张拉 [中图分类号]TU399 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)09-0074-07 Research on Construction Methods of Large-span Annular Cable Structures Zhou Lijun Liang Cunzhi Feng Dabin Institute of Building Structures of China Academy of Building Research Beijing 100013 China) Abstract:Large-span annular cable structure is a new type of structure which has advantages such as lightness effectiveness and self-equilibrium.The structure is analyzed by its features and classified by topology.Based on this a few methods on building prestressing forces under different structure topologies are analyzed.The merits and drawbacks of different methods are pointed out after considering the cable force distribution under the original statement of the structure construction convenience and economical efficiency.And the proper methods are put forward.Finally specific project applications of the methods on structure shape-forming are listed. Key words:cables;spatial structures;self-equilibrium;topology;tension 0引言 在国内体育场中也开始采用这种结构形式,如佛山 张拉结构因轻质、高效而在空间结构中备受青 世纪莲体育场2、深圳宝安体育场等.因该结构在 睐,但也存在着结构成型难度大、建筑平面适应性 国内应用时间较短,目前对其研究甚少尤其是对结 不强等问题.在体育场建筑中,因建筑需要,中间 构成型研究更少.本文对其结构特点、拓扑构成进 常为大开孔,且结构要求跨度很大,因此长期...