2011年4月上 施工技术 第40卷第338期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 71 富水砂层土压平衡盾构关键施工技术 徐岩,赵文2,黄龙光3,高照3 (1.沈阳建筑大学土水工程学院,辽宁沈阳110168;2.东北大学资源与土木工程学院,辽宁沈阳110819: 3.中铁四局集团第五工程有限公司,江西九江332000) [摘要]沈阳地铁二号线会展中心站一世纪广场站隧道盾构区间穿越中粗砂、砾砂层,砂性土层内摩擦角大,硫土 流动性差,排土困难,地下水量丰富、水压高,因此盾构缸进控制困难,容易造成地表沉降.从土压平衡盾构的适应 性、刀盘和螺旋输送机的结构、刀具的配置和加周、土改良措施、沉降控制方法等方面介绍土压平衡盾构穿越砂 层的施工技术.在施工过程中,通过采取同步注浆、二次往浆、加强施工监测等措旅保证了既有线行车安全. [关键词]土压平衡盾构;富水砂层;硝土改良;沉降控制 [中图分类号]U459.3 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2011)07-0071-03 Key Construction Technology of Earth Pressure Balance Shield in Watery Sandy Stratum Xu Yan' Zhao Wen2 Huang Longguang' Gao Zhao (1.College of Cicil Engineering Shenyang Jianzhu University.Shenyang.Liaoning 110168 China: 2.College of Resources and Civil Engineering Northeastern University Shenyang Liaoning 110819 China; 3.The Fifth Construction Lid.of China Tiesiju Civil Engineering Group Jiujiang Jiangxi 332000 China) Abstract:Shielding section in Shenyang Metro Line 2 passes through medium coarse sand and gravel sand stratum which has characteristics of large internal friction angle poor fluidity of residue soil abundant groundwater and high water pressure.It is hard to control shield tunneling which may lead to ground settlement.Based on the adaptability of earth pressure balance shield the structure of cutterhead and screw conveyor distribution and reinforcement of cutting tool measures for improvement of residue soil and method of settlement control the construction technology of earth pressure balance shield crossing sandy str...
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