2015年2月下 施工技术 第44卷第4期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY D0I:10.7672/5js2015040005 对我国建筑工业化现状的了解和建议 张希黔12,康明2,黄乐鹏2 (1.中国建筑工程总公司施工技术专业委员会,北京100037; 2.重庆大学土木工程学院现代施工技术研究中心,重庆400045) [摘要]以住宅产业化为例讨论建筑工业化的现状和发展建议.介绍了住宅产业化的概念和内涵,以及国内外住 宅产业化的发展及现状.通过我国住宅产业化的工程实践,全面介绍了住宅产业化的3种体系.建筑工业化在我 国取得了一定发展,但也有很多问题困扰着我们,需要政府做好顶层设计,行业做好统筹规划,各单位分工协作,共 同做好建筑工业化工作. [关键词]建筑工业化;住宅体系;预制装配式;现状;建议 [中图分类号]TU756.4 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)04-0005-09 Present Situation and Advisement for Building Industrialization in China Zhang Xiqian.2 Kang Ming? Huang Lepeng? (1.Construction Technology Professional Committee China State Construction Engineering Corporation Beijing 100037 China;2.Modern Construction Technique Center College of Civil Engineering Chongqing Unicersity Chongqing 400045 China) Abstract:For the residential industrialization as an example the authors discuss present situation and development advisement of building industrialization introduce the concept and connotation and development present situation of residential industrialization at home and abroad.By residential industrialization practice of China the authors show three kinds of residence system.At present building industrialization has obtained new progress in China but some problems perplex us which need government doing well upper design building industry doing well overall planning to improve building industrialization level. Key words:building industrialization;residence system;precast;present situation;advisement 0引言 化将会对政府监管、企业运营模式、建筑结构组...
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