2012年8月上 施工技术 第41卷第370期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 99 爆破挤淤技术在海堤填筑中的应用 江玉涛,李华 (深圳市首嘉工程顾间有限公司,广东深圳518052) [摘要]结合深圳市前海填海区某海堤工程的案例,详细介绍了爆破挤淤技术的基本原理、参数优化选取和施工方 法.为了验证设计工艺参数的可行性,取得永久性海堤工程施工的技术参数,保证海堤工程填筑质量,选择了50m 长的试验段.同时,根据现场情况和地形的变化,及时对工艺参数进行局部调整.最终爆破处理效果检测表明:抛 石层落底标高与落底宽度均符合设计要求,取得了预期的爆破挤淤处理效果. [关键词]水利工程;海堤;爆破挤淤;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU753.62;TU471.8 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)15-0099-04 Application of Blasting Toe Shooting Method in Sea Dike Construction Jiang Yutao Li Hua Shenzhen Sogar Engineering Consultants Co.Ltd.Shenzhen Guangdong 518052 China) Abstract:Setting against the sea dike project in Shenzhen Qianhai reclamation area this paper introduced the basic principles parameters optimization and selection and the construction procedure of the blasting toe shooting method.To verify the feasibility of the designed technique parameters to obtain the construction parameters of the permanent sea dike engineering and to ensure the construction quality a test was done on a 50 meters-long test segment.These technique parameters were adjusted locally based on on-site conditions and terrain change.The final inspecting results show that both bottom elevation and width of the riprap layer met the design requirements and the blasting toe shooting method has achieved its expected effect. Key words:hydraulic engineering;sea dike;blasting toe shooting method;construction 爆破挤淤(也称爆破排淤填石)处理软土地基乎完全失去,抛石体在自重作用下进一步滑移或下 是通过置换一定深度的淤泥,使地基达到设计承载沉;后续堤头药包爆破的多次振动作用将加速堤身 力和满足地基在一定时间内沉降要求的施工工艺.下沉落底;经过多次推进爆破,最终达...
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