2016年11月上 施工技术 第45卷第21期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 111 D0I:107672/5gj52016210111 盾构施工煤矿长距离斜井特殊不良地质段 处置技术与应用* 沙明元 (中国铁建股份有限公司,北京100855) [摘要]盾构法应用于长距离煤矿斜井建设是一个开创性的领域,具有安全、优质、快速、环保、综合费用低等突出 优势,代表着特大型现代化矿井建设技术的发展方向.针对煤矿斜井盾构法建设过程中面临的“深埋超长、连续下 坡、富水高压、地层多变”等工程特点及难点,开展盾构施工软岩变形地段综合处置技术、斜井富水地段防水和排水 处置技术、高水压地段泄水降压技术、有害气体处置技术、断层破碎带施工技术研究,并在神东补连塔煤矿进行关 键技术的应用,建成了我国首座采用盾构施工的长距离煤矿斜井. [关键词]隧道工程:煤矿:盾构;斜井;施工:应用 [中图分类号]U455 [文献标识码] [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)21-0111-05 Research and Application of the Disposal Technology for Shield Construction in Special and Poor Geological Conditions of Long Inclined Shaft in Colliery Sha Mingyuan China Railcay Construction Co.Ltd.Beijing 100855 China) Abstract:Shield method is a groundbreaking area for the construction of super-long inclined shafts in colliery.It has the advantages of safety high quality rapidity environmental protection and prehensive low cost and represents the development direction of modern large-scale mine construction technology.Aiming at the characteristics and difficulties in the shield construction process in colliery inclined shaft which are of deep buried and super-long continuous downhill rich water and high pressure and changeable stratum the prehensive disposal technology is carried out ineluding disposal technology of soft rock deformation waterproof and drainage in water-rich regions water pressure relief technology in high-pressure zones harmful gas disposal technology as well as fault fracture zone disposal technology.These key ...
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