施工技术 2015年2月上 20 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第44卷第3期 D0I:10.7672/sjs2015030020 福州海峡奥体中心体育场空间巨型劲性环梁施工技术 庹明贝,吴平春,郑立敏 (中建海峡建设发展有限公司,福建福州350014) [摘要]福州海峡奥林匹克体育中心体育场工程钢结构罩棚内环支座空间巨型劲性环梁属于超高超重超大截面劲 性钢筋混凝土组合结构.单节最大钢梁重达1t 钢梁对接焊拼装为高空作业,型钢外包钢筋直径大、量多,模板支 撑超高超重,混凝土下料空间狭小、振捣设备无法插入,质量难以保证,对此制订针对性施工方案,快速、精确地完 成了该空间巨型劲性环梁的施工. [关键词]体育场;型钢梁;劲性环梁;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU755 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)03-0020-05 Construction Technology of Space Giant Stiffness Ring Beam in the Strait Olympic Sports Center Stadium of Fuzhou Tuo Mingbei Wu Pingchun Zheng Limin CSCEC Strait Construction and Development Co.Lad.Fuzhou Fujian 350014 China) Abstract:Space giant stiffness ring beam the steel canopy bearing inner ring for Fuzhou Strait Olympic Sports Center Stadium belongs to steel reinforced concrete posite structures which locates at ultra- high altitude overweight and has large section.It is difficult to guarantee the construction quality because the single largest steel beams weighing 10t steel beams butt welding aerial large quantities of large diameter steel outsourcing rebar overweight and ultra-high formwork supports and narrows concrete pouring space and vibrating equipment cannot be inserted.For above difficulties authors develop targeted construction program and pleted construction tasks of the space giant stiffness ring beam quickly and accurately. Key words:stadiums;section steel beam;stiffness ring beam;construetion 1工程概况 福州海峡奥林匹克体育中心体育场是第一届 铸钢件 全国青年运动会的主会场,其建筑占地面积 1000×1500 劲性环梁 63614m2 总建筑面积119...