施工技术 2012年11月上 78 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第41卷第376期 荡口古镇古建筑修复技术 李凯文,纪敏2 (1.无锡城市职业技术学院,江苏无锡214153;2.无锡汽车工程学校,江苏无锡214153) [摘要]为恢复特色的荡口古镇风貌,对荡口古镇古建筑进行修缮修复.老建筑的保护修缮是在全面勘察测绘和 广泛征购旧石材、旧砖材、旧木材的基础上修旧如旧.结合本次修缮修复古建筑工程实践,介绍了古民居建筑修缮 修复的原则和方法,对古民居建筑常见结构部分做了归纳总结,其中包括屋顶部分的大木构架、桁条、橡子修缮做 法;柱子根据不同情况下的一些加固修复措施;墙体的检查、鉴定、修缮. [关键词]加固;古建筑;修缮;修复;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU746.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)21-0078-04 Renovation of Ancient Buildings in Dangkou.Ancient Town Li Kaiwen' Ji Min2 (1.Wuxi City College of Vocational Technology Wuxi Jiangsu 214153 China; 2.Wuxi Automotive Engineering School Wuxi Jiangsu 214153 China) Abstract:To renovate the ancient buildings of Dangkou ancient town is to restore its characteristic scene of the ancient town and to build a famous Wuxi characteristic culture recreation town of amorous feelings living in Yangtze River Delta.Based on prehensive survey mapping and widely procurement of old stone brick and timber the renovation of ancient buildings approaches to 'repair the old as the old'. According the engineering practice of this project the reparation principles and the methods of ancient dwellings were introduced.Some reparation methods of mon structures were concluded including large wooden frame stringer rafter of roof column in different situation.The methods about examination evaluation and reparation of wall were also mentioned. Key words:strengthening;ancient buildings;repair;restoration;construction 在城市发展过程中,现代化建筑大量出现,建 筑保护和城市发展革新之间的矛盾如何平衡是一 个很突出的问题.结合一些历史传承...
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