施工技术 2015年5月上 112 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第44卷第9期 D0I:10.7672/sgjs2015090112 超高能级强夯处理低含水量湿陷性黄土原理研究 李保华,郭伟林,安明 (山西机械化建设集团公司,山西太原030009) [摘要]通过击实试验,进行了击实功对最佳含水量和最大干密度的影响分析和不同强夯能级、施工参数的单位土 体击实功和轻型、重型击实试验的单位土体击实功的分析比较,探讨了超高能级强夯处理低含水量湿陷性黄土的 原理.试验证明,夯击功能越大,干密度越大,而相应的最优含水量越小;在一定夯点间距下,夯击能级越高、夯击 数越多,土体所获得的夯击功能越大;超高能级强夯所达到的夯击功能,已超过了重型击实试验的击实功能的近一 倍,将超高能级强夯用于处理低含水量的湿陷性黄土是可行的. [关键词]地基;强夯;湿陷性黄土;击实功;原理;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU753 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)09-0112-03 Research on Principle of Ultra-high Energy Level Dynamic Compaction Treating Low Water Content Collapsible Loess Li Baohua Guo Weilin An Ming (Shanxi Mechanized Construction Group Company Taiyuan Shanxi 030009 China) Abstract:Through paction test this paper analyzes the influence of paction function on the optimum water content and maximum dry density.Then the unit paction function is pared under different dynamic paction levels and construction parameters both in light and heavy paction test. The principle of treating low water content of collapsible loess with ultra high energy level dynamic paction is discussed.The test results show that firstly when the paction function increase the dry density is bigger and the corresponding water content is small;secondly in a certain space of tamping under higher paction energy level and more paction times the paction function will be greater;thirdly the function of ultra high energy level dynamic paction is nearly two times of that of the heavy paction ...