施工技术 2015年7月上 12 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第44卷第13期 D0I:10.7672/8gjs2015130012 “Ⅱ”型接头在地下连续墙中的应用与分析 金晓飞1,尹寒青,梁书亭,朱筱俊,骆明红2,沈兴东2 (1.东南大学土木工程学院,江苏南京210096;2.中建八局第三建设有限公司,江苏南京210046) [摘要]介绍了地下连续墙“”型接头的设计方法、施工技术及相关技术措施,并应用于工程实例.工程中“Ⅱ”型 接头与地下连续墙槽段分开施工,提高了新型接头地下连续墙的施工效率.“Ⅱ”型接头保留了工字钢接头绕流路 径较长的优点,使得地下连续墙槽段连接处防渗性能较好.槽段全部按照闭合幅施工,地下连续墙的施工质量得 到了保证,一定程度上克服了钢筋笼下放时易出现的卡笼现象. [关键词]地下工程;“”型接头;地下连续墙;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU476.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)13-0012-03 Application and Analysis of II-type Joint of Diaphragm Wall Jin Xiaofei' Yin Hanging' Liang Shuting' Zhu Xiaojun' Luo Minghong2 Shen Xingdong (1.School of Civil Engineering Southeast University Nanjing Jiangsu 210096 China;2.The Third Construction Co.Ltd.of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Nanjing Jiangsu 210046 China) Abstract:This paper mainly introduces the design guideline construction techniques relevant counter measures and an engineering application of II-type joint of diaphragm wall.The new construction method of joint can be separated from panels which improves the wall's efficiency of construction.The new type joint retains the advantage of a long flow path which makes the wall a good seepage performance.The new construction method ensures each panel of the diaphragm wall constructed as a closed panel which overes the reinforcing cage jammed when it lowered. Key words:underground;II-type joint;diaphragms;construction 0引言 难以保证等施工难题. 近年来,在我国的地下连续墙工程中工字钢接1工法特点与流程 头是较常用的一种接头形式,这种接头具有防渗漏1.1工法特点 性能好、连接可靠、抗剪强度高、整体性较好等优 与传统的...
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