2016年4月上 施工技术 第45卷第7期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 109 D0I:10.7672/8js2016070109 不同坡度下偏压黄土隧道开挖衬砌结构受力特征研究 肖启山 (中铁十一局集团第五工程有限公司,重庆400037) [摘要]偏压隧道的受力与常见的对称应力的受力情况有较大区别,随着西部地区基础设施建设的发展,在建设工 程中经常遇到不同偏压地形下的黄土隧道,由于偏压隧道的特殊性,受力极不对称,对隧道的设计和施工产生较大 影响.为了研究偏压黄土隧道开挖围岩及衬砌结构受力特征,利用FLAC3软件建立数值模型,计算不同坡度地形 条件下隧道的围岩变形规律和衬砌结构的受力特征. [关键词]隧道工程;偏压;黄土;受力分析;数值模拟 [中图分类号]U455 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)07-0109-04 Study on the Force Feature of Lining Structure for Large Bias Loess Tunnel Under Different Slope Gradient Xiao Qishan The 5th Engineering Ltd.of the 11th Engineering Bureau of China Railay Chongqing 400037 China Abstract:The stress situation of bias tunnel is quite different from the mon stress situation symmetrical stress.More and more bias tunnels are encountered in the actual project with the development of construction due to the special nature of the bias tunnel so the force discontinuity symmetry.In order to study the forees of lining structure construction process for bias tunnel a numerical model of loess tunnel is established by FLAC3D software which e into different surrounding rock slope gradient using up and down stairs construction method for the construction the bias tunnel’s construction process simulation is done by different wall rock slope gradient. Key words:tunnels;bias;loess;stress analysis;simulations 0引言 偏压隧道是承受不对称荷载的隧道[12,这种 偏压隧道的受力与常见的对称应力的受力情不对称性主要是隧道左右两边围岩结构的不对 况有较大区别,随着建设的发展,在实际工程中遇 称,最常见的是隧道穿越边坡的情况.钟新樵[3] 到越来越多的偏压隧道,由于偏压隧道的特殊性,对偏压隧道模型的衬砌试验,给出了偏压隧道的 使隧道不得不修建在边坡的...
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