施工技术 2016年9月上 92 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第45卷第17期 D0I:10.7672/8gj82016170092 不同粒径粉质黏土击实试验研究 黄建国,姚乐1,高振华2 (1.江苏联合职业技术学院苏州建设交通分院,江苏苏州215000; 2.苏州交通工程集团有限公司,江苏苏州215000) [摘要]结合苏州市中环快速路土方回填项目对粉质黏土进行击实试验研究,对不同粒径的粉质黏土进行了击实 试验,得到不同粒径击实指标.试验结果表明,同一含水率12.5%下,随着粒径的增大,千密度先增大后减小,在 2.5mm≤d<10mm干密度基本不变,在1.25mm≤d<2.5mm最大干密度达到最大值1.90g/cm3.在压实度检测要 求达90%以上时,含水率变化区间随着粒径的增大先减小后增大,在粒径1.25mm≤d<2.5mm时符合压实度要求 的含水率变化区间最小,5mm≤d<10mm时符合压实度要求的含水率变化区间最大,将这一击实变化规律在施工 现场进行验证并应用于施工现场雨期施工,保证施工质量的同时缩短了施工工期. [关键词]公路工程;粒径;粉质黏土;击实试验;施工方法 [中图分类号]U414 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)17-0092-03 Study on Compaction Test of Silt Clay with Different Particle Sizes Huang Jianguo' Yao Le' Gao Zhenhua? (1.Suzhou Branch of Construction Communications Jiangsu Union Technical Institute Suzhou Jiangsu 215000 China; 2.Suzhou Traffic Engineering Group Co.Ltd.Suzhou Jiangsu 215000 China) Abstract:In this paper bined with Suzhou City Central Expressway earthwork back fill project of silt clay paction test paction test of silt clay with different particle sizes was done different size paction index was obtained.Experimental results show that under the same moisture 12.5% with the increase of particle size stem density first increases and then decreases. 2.5mm≤d<10mm dry density is essentially the same in1.25mm≤d<2.5 mm maximum dry density reaches the maximum value of 1.90g/cm2.Demanding in paction degree measure up to more than 90% the lower containing water change interval increases with the increase of the grain siz...